Friday, August 30, 2013

Stories and Shtuff

So, i'm a major writer and i wanted to know if y'all wanted me to post any stories. Warning:May contain strong language and/or sexual content.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Hello,¡Hola,Guten tag!,مرحبا,你好,ahoj,bonjour,שלום,szia,dia duit,Ciao!,こんにちは,salve,

If you can't tell,they all say Hello in some language (some are common,some are in my blood).This is my first real blog.I will tell you this will have music dorkiness,anime nerd-alerts,anti batman posts,paranormal tidbits,and anything i decide to throw in extra.There's a reason why people call me weird,creepy,and don't wanna associate with me.Anyhoozle,that's about all for now,and good night.
-Gerard Way's Mistress Onyx Helena Ember-Graves.
I may tell you my real name if you become close.